Core Beliefs of FLHV
We believe that children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing and their families should have access to all services appropriate to their needs.
We believe that family members should have access to pertinent information to support their child who is Deaf or Hard of Hearing.
We believe that parents should be collaborative partners with agencies, schools, and relevant professional organizations.
We believe that communication mode should be a personal choice of the family and the child.
We believe that children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, like all children, should have quality, ongoing, and fluid communication, at home, in the classroom, and throughout their community.

FLHV Values
Florida Hands & Voices is viewed as providing unbiased support for families & professionals through dissemination of information, outreach events, educational seminars, advocacy, lobbying efforts, & parent to parent networking.
Our organization impacts professionals and systems.
Our organization is financially viable.
Our organization that supports informed family choices for their children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing.
We envision an organization united by our mission in which each chapter exemplifies the Hands & Voices philosophy in its vision and culture. We all have a stake in each other’s success. Hands & Voices will prosper only if each part is committed to the success of the other parts, and to the impact of our organization as a whole. We are a shared venture with vested ownership.